February 24, 2019

some forgotten tech

Been quite a long time since I wrote on my technical blog, and I can't put my finger on the reason quite easily.

Probably its because I am back to more coding than meeting/reviews/thinking per day. Even then the number of lines of code or complexity that I deal with daily isn't really substantial. There is nevertheless, quite more learning and re-learning these days.

Some of the topics I found myself scanning my own old code, man pages, stackoverflow and many other websites are C++11 features, memory management, signals and a bunch of other system calls.

When the regular work demands very little to no coding and still fills up almost the entire day, one lands up in situations where the technical practice is sustained only by faint memory and constant theory relearning. But none of it matches actual coding practice.

Even the language and concepts I just mentioned are quite archaic and are the verge of being replaced. So its really high time to equip myself with real practical experience with new tools, languages, design paradigms and architectures. Lots of reading and imagining happening, but until the itch of the fingers are satisfied by implementing, the yearning for learning remains unsatiated.

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